Discover Your Unique Worth

and Live Your God-Given Purpose

Available from good bookshops and online retailers worldwide in paperback and on Kindle Unlimited for the ebook edition.




In Enough. Dr Kathrine McAleese will take you on a personal voyage to meet yourself; the you you’ve long forgotten and the you that you haven’t yet met, so you can discover who you were put here to be, at an unhustled, God-designed pace.


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Latest News: Enough. is now an AWARD WINNING book, having won a prestigious ChristLit book award!

Previous award winners include Louie Giglio and Joyce Meyer and winning an award in the company of such established and respected authors is a huge honour.


Review of Award-winning book, Enough.


Enough. by Dr. Kathrine McAleese is a transformative book that I didn’t realize I needed until I delved into its pages!

This insightful work has profoundly influenced my approach to life, prompting a deep self-examination that feels more like a gentle nudge towards positive change rather than a harsh critique. Dr. McAleese possesses a rare ability to inspire change through her words, creating an atmosphere that encourages personal growth without any sense of pressure or judgment. The witty humor woven throughout the text adds a light-hearted flair, making the reading experience enjoyable while still delivering powerful messages that resonate deeply.

One of the most liberating aspects of this book is its ability to help readers recognize their inherent worth, freeing them from the shackles of comparison. Dr. McAleese emphasizes the uniqueness of each individual, reminding us that it is both unnecessary and unproductive to measure ourselves against others. Her insights prompt a shift in perspective, encouraging readers to dismiss the opinions of others and focus on their own journey. As I read, I found myself nodding in agreement, reflecting on my previous misconceptions about self-worth, and realizing how much my inner dialogue needed a positive overhaul.

I particularly appreciated the sections titled ‘If She Can, You Can,’ and ‘Over to You’ which together encourage introspection and personal development as you progress through the chapters, empowering readers to take actionable steps toward self-improvement.

All in all, this wonderful resource is not just for Christian women; it is a perfect pep talk for anyone seeking to reclaim their sense of self and embrace the life they truly deserve. It is a celebration of the journey of life, inviting all women who feel inadequate to rediscover their worth and pursue joy with renewed vigor!

- Louise Jane, CEO The Christlit Book Awards