Choose to Change


The Secrets to Building Simple Habits And Making Time for What Matters Most


If you've ever tried to change a habit, you've probably encountered the frustration of failing. UGH!

But did you know... your brain can be harnessed to make it easier (not easy, easiER!) to change? It can!

Using simple tweaks and a super sexy secret sauce (ok, so maybe not sexy exactly, but it's definitely a crucial piece of the habits puzzle)...

You will gain:

* Proven Step-by-Step Strategies for HOW to Set Up a New Habit For Success From the Start

* Understanding of Why You've Previously Failed to Make New Habits 'Stick' (It's Not What You Think!)

* Simple Exercises on HOW to Get Motivated and STAY Motivated, Even When You Really Don't Feel Like it!

* Learn How To Harness Your Brain For Habit Change in Any Area of Life

* Tips & Tricks to Make it Even Easier to Build A New Habit, and Make it Stick

This easy-to-follow course guides you through each step to take. You study in your own time and at your own pace.

You will create:

* Clarity Around What Habit/s You Want to Change

* Your Own Step-By-Step Roadmap to Your New Habit

* A Personalised Plan That Fits YOUR Life & What YOU Want to Change

* Increasing Confidence & Self-Esteem as You Hone Your Habit
Building Skills!


Sign up now and make 2018 the year you harness your brain and begin building the new habits to get you where you want to go.

If you're ready to commit to learning the small steps that can have a big impact, don't put it off.

Your first act as you aim to become You 2.0 is to jump on this. No putting it off, no making excuses or finding reasons why you'll fail. 

This is your opportunity.

Invest in yourself.

Dare to believe that there's something you can learn that will help you. Because there is.


This online course is a self-study class. Take it at your own pace and enjoy ongoing access so you can return again and again to the lessons as needed to reinforce your learning.


You will get:

* Short, to-the-point video lessons, giving you only what you need to know to get results.

* Practical exercises you can easily incorporate into your busy schedule

* Clear explanations of how to use your brain create new habits

* Top tips on how to sustain your new habits


Join now and you will also get:

* BONUS 1: A full set of accompanying online worksheets (worth $57)

* BONUS 2: Mini Ebook on '& Ways to Say 'No' Without Feeling Like a Jerk! (worth $10)

* BONUS 3: 'Taking Failure Off The Table' training (worth $27)

That's a total of $94 in FREE Bonuses! That's more than double what you're investing in the course if you buy now. 

Join us and let's see what you can do in 2018. I believe in you!

- Kathrine


Dr.Kathrine McAleese

Sociologist, Psychotherapist, 

Founder of Mind to Win & Creator of Mental Mastery